Technical request

Responsible corporate policy

Ethical conduct and fairness – our principles for a safe working environment, human rights, and sustainable business practices.

Häfner and Krullmann attaches great importance to the fair treatment of employees and business partners. This of course includes that laws are complied with, secrets of any kind – including those of business partners – are preserved, and no bribes or kickbacks are paid. All Häfner employees are treated with dignity and respect, and without discrimination. Häfner does not threaten workers in any way or subject them to harsh treatment. Häfner expects the same conduct from its business partners and suppliers. Häfner ensures that they, like Häfner, observe labour and human rights, and neither accept nor engage in forced or child labour. Häfner protects the privacy of its employees in accordance with the law. For Häfner, a safe and healthy working environment is a given, as is the continuous involvement and further training of employees, also with regard to occupational safety. Häfner acknowledges that environmental responsibility is an essential part of producing world class products. Naturally, all environmental regulations are complied with. Häfner also advocates responsibility in supplier sourcing practices. Häfner has laid all this down in a detailed code of conduct.

Our Certification

Our quality management system has been ISO 9001-certified since 1997, and our environmental management system has been ISO 14001-certified since 1999. In October 2012, our energy management system was certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001.