DIN standard Please select DIN EN 60264-3-2 reusable spools with tapered barrel - Spezification DIN EN 60264-2-1 Cylindrically barrelled delivery spools - Dimensions DIN EN 60264-2-2 Reusable spool with cylindrically barrelled delivery - Spezification DIN EN 60264-2-3 Single-use spool with cylindrically barrelled delivery - Spezification DIN EN 60264-3-1 Delivery spools with tapered barrel - Dimensions DIN EN 60264-3-3 single use spools with tapered barrel - Spezification DIN EN 60264-3-4 Container for spools with with tapered barrel - Dimensions DIN EN 60264-3-5 Container for spools with tapered barrel - Spezification DIN EN 60264-5-1 Cylindrically barrelled delivery spools and conical flanges - dimensions DIN EN 60264-5-2 Cylindrically barrelled delivery spools and conical flanges - spezification for reusable DIN EN ISO 544 DIN 46395
Material Please select PS ABS PP POM PS TSG SAN PA6 PA GV PE PP TSG
Group Please select 00 New Products 01 Tape reels 02 Spools with conical flanges 03 Cylindrical barrelled delivery spools IEC 60264-2-1 04 Cylindrically barrelled delivery spools 05 Spools with tapered barrel 06 Welding wire reels 07 General reels 08 LM / EM reels 09 VM - reels 10 GM - reels 11 Reels for steel cord, bare wire, stranded wire 12 Reels for soldering wire, Lyonese thread 13 Fine wire reels 14 Reels for tapes, tubes and cables 15 Cable reels and Utility reels 16 Demopac® 17 Spools for low alloy wires 18 Braiding reels 19 Reels and reel containers 20 Pressure rings 21 Fibre optic cable reels 22 Spools for fishing line/monofilaments 23 Spools for medical equipment 24 Spools for photovoltaic ribbon/flat wire 25 Barrel end disks 26 Tape reels with smooth flange 27 Spools for 3D-printer 28 Special spools